Friday, January 1, 2016

Resolutions 2016

SP&T is a year old! Last year, I opened the blog by sharing my resolutions for 2015, so I will continue the pattern.

For 2016, I have two resolutions. I worked them out before Christmas with my Passion Planner (if you haven't heard of the Passion Planner, check it out!), and have been looking into ways to use the planner and other resources to keep them. This past week I've tried a kind of soft run to see how my self-discipline works after the holidays. Perhaps I should add "strengthen self-discipline" to the top of my list.

My 2016 Resolutions!

  1. I will finish writing and editing my novel and submit it for publication.
  2. I will use healthy means to get my weight back to 150 lbs.

So, some background. I've been working on a series of novels for a few years, and while last year's resolution was to finish one of those novels, I put it off because I had this great NEW IDEA that  has grown into A Fine Gold Chain. Consequently, Courier has fallen by the wayside. As for Resolution 2, I've had a lot of trouble with my weight since developing Fibromyalgia and a few back problems that haven't responded to surgery. Last year, I started a vegetarian and gluten free diet recommended by my ND, and was responding quite well to it, but had to give it up because of money issues. I want to try it again, at least the vegetarian part. I also want to include more exercise (despite the fatigue and pain - it's always there, so might as well make it worthwhile). I chose 150 lbs as my target weight because it's doable under the circumstances, but it's still a significant goal.

I chose these two goals because I realized that 1.) writing is my passion, but I don't make it a priority; and 2.) my health problems, though not directly caused my weight, are exacerbated by it. I've let myself wallow in self-pity long enough (and yes, it is self-pity).

I've decided to add a couple of incentives to my resolutions, since I've discovered the anticipated joy of having accomplished the goal isn't enough to keep me going. I write steampunk, and I love a bit of cosplay, so my incentives are important parts to my costume. If I finish and submit Courier by the end of 2016, I'm buying myself a good pair of steampunk-style goggles. Brass and leather, not painted plastic. And if I weigh 150 lbs or less at the end of the year without resorting to unhealthy means (I have a history of eating disorders), I'm buying a good leather corset. I have elements for the rest of the costume, but the corset and goggles are my favorite parts.

I have a couple more goals in mind, but they aren't absolutely essential. My two resolutions are absolutes for me this year. I'll still work on A Fine Gold Chain - it's a welcome relief from Courier's darker feel, and I have a plan for SP&T this year as well.

Many blessings for your 2016!

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